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European Cultural Diversity: Finland & Flanders

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F@F-project (2000) between Sipoon Lukio (Finland) and Tienen College (Belgium)

Atte Gartman

Liesbeth Depijpere

Impression of Liesbeth:

I liked this project very much because I got to learn something about Belgium and the "happenings" in there. I also learned more about a student called Liesbeth Depijpere who seems to bother the camera as you can see =).

I found Liesbeth an interesting girl with lots of things going on her mind. She had just visited Marocco and she like it very much, she said... Liesbeth wants to become a physiotherapist at least for now. She likes to travel a lot, but thats not unusual with women.

We discussed some about the school system differences between Finland and Belgium.

I liked Atte very much. He is a nice boy. We talked about schoollife in Belgium and in Finland. But I still prefere our system. Atte lives with his family, but I think he would rather live with his friends. He likes the Red Hot Chili Peppers and Abba. At school he is good at Finnish and English.

I found the project very interesting, and I hope we can stay in contact afterwards. I don't think we have much in common, but I'm sure we will find something.

I hope that everything goes the way he wants to and I wish him the best of luck in the future.