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European Cultural Diversity: Finland-Flanders

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F@F-project (2001) between Sipoon Lukio (Finland) and Tienen College (Belgium)

Elina Salo

Wim Sterkendries





So you asked me to give my opinion on the project and my friend in Finland. We wrote 3 mails. In the beginning I got the impression that this could be
something very nice. Our first mail was personal but after a while I could see we were just writing because we had to.
I think it might be better if we could just write about everything. I know we could, but also the important ones, those that you receive.
I think it's good that we can just mail our homeworks. Modern technology is as important in school as anywhere else. I even believe that my children will
take a computer to school. I also think that it is important for us students to
use a computer with an internet-connection. We are going to need it anyway. I still can't type very well, I better go and change that now I still have the time. Sorry if I am changing the subject but I had to say
it. For me it was not a complete succes. I had a friend that I used to write. He was from the USA, but with him I could talk about everything. We had the same
interests from the start. 
I'm not saying it was bad, it's what makes English a more interesting cours. One of my favourites.