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European Cultural Diversity: Finland-Flanders

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F@F-project (2001) between Sipoon Lukio (Finland) and Tienen College (Belgium)

Henri Salminen

Annelies Stas





When they first told me about the project, I tought it would be great. I tought I would write a lot of letters to my partner ( Henri) in Finland and I hoped I could learn something about Finland because I didn't know very much about it . I knew it could be very cold there, but that's about everything.

I didn't write a lot of letters. Actually I only wrote the 3 obligated letters. I tried to send them as soon as possible but I had some problems with the computer , so I had to send them a bit later. I had to wait rather long to get his letters and his letters were rather short . (I am still waiting for his last letter.)

I'm afraid I didn't learn a lot about Finland, to be honest I didn't learn anything about Finland!

I think it was a great project (if you have a good partner ) !

I hope they will continue to do this project because it's worth the trouble!!!!