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European Cultural Diversity: Finland-Flanders

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F@F-project (2001) between Sipoon Lukio (Finland) and Tienen College (Belgium)

Minna Grönlund

Stefanie Claeys





Although it was a very nice idea to start up such a project, I'm quite disappointed about my correspondent. She only replied two times ( I think ), although I had written four letters (she didn't reply on the last two ). I even wanted to write more letters than we were supposed to, but I figured that it would be absurd for she did'nt reply. My oppinion is that she didn't feel like replying because her name wasn't on the list of the Finnish people who had problems in school and therefore couldn't continue writing. I didn't get the chance to get to know a little bit more about Finland and my correspondent, because two letters aren't enough and I think the last two toppics were the most interesting ones (to learn something about Finland). But I do think that she learned quite a lot about Belgium ( if she has read all of my letters ).

Anyway, it was a lovely idea, no doubt about that, but it's a pitty that my correspondent ( and others to ) didn't reply. But I'm quite sure that if you are lucky and you have got a correspondent who replies, that it can be a lot of fun and even instructive !!!

Yours sincerely,

Stefanie Claeys