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European Cultural Diversity: Finland-Flanders

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F@F-project (1999) between Sipoon Lukio (Finland) and Tienen College (Belgium)

Katrien Vandermeulen

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I haven't received any news.


I think Heli, my Finnish correspondent, is a very nice and sympathetic girl. She is also 17 years old, and just like me she loves animals. We have some things in common, such as our hobbies and the choice of music. Her hobbies are aerobic, going out with friends, writing letters and listening to music. I also know that she celebrates Christmas together with her family, and they also go to the sauna then. The school in Sipoo is rather small, but I think Heli likes it there, because she has got a lot of friends and the teachers are nice. But she is also happy that her studies end there this year, because now she wants to concentrate more on the practical part instead of the theoretic part. I think Heli will succeed in everything she does, because she is not that kind of girl, who loses courage soon.