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European Cultural Diversity: Finland-Flanders

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F@F-project (1999) between Sipoon Lukio (Finland) and Tienen College (Belgium)

             Caroline Sybers

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I received  no news


Riika is a seventeen -year old girl from Finnland. She loves animals, especially horses. She still goes to high school, which takes a big part of her life, but in her spare time she rides, goes out with friends (at the week-ends), or listens to the radio. She doesn't watch a lot tv.

Riika hates to describe herself. According to her she is a (sometimes) very lazy and obstinate girl.

Riika is very cheerful when it is christmas , because everybody is happy and peaceful. In my opinion, she is a social person, who cares to other people.

It was a plaisure to write with her. We are both 17 years old and have the same interests. We could be good friends. 

I hope you will  write me again (even when you have seen my foto).But first you have to send me your fotographe.

Caroline ( the girl with the blue t-shirt)