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European Cultural Diversity: Finland-Flanders

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F@F-project (1999) between Sipoon Lukio (Finland) and Tienen College (Belgium)

Bruno Roussel

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I received no news


Johanna seems a very nice girl who lives in a family with five members. There is only one problem in her family, she only sees her sister at holidays (like Christmas) because she lives too far away. She is interested in music (like me) and in arts.

I think she has got a sort of leader spirit. Whenever there is something to do she's always prepared to organise things or to help people out.I find her also very spontanious.          

.Johanna has got a problem although.She likes her country but she prefers it in the summer, because in the winter it's very cold and the days (when there's light) aren't longer than a few hours.So during the winter she suffers from depressions.That's why she likes to go abroad and later in her life she wants to live abroad.

We have had a lot of problems with our correspondance. At first I wasn't able to send my letters at time and when my letters were finally arrived she had problems with her Internet connection. That's why I'm not able to tell some more about her but she seems to be a very nice  girl.