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European Cultural Diversity: Finland & Flanders

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F@F-project (2000) between Sipoon Lukio (Finland) and Tienen College (Belgium)

Markus Halme

Mirella Ombelets

The project was for me very disappointing, because my project-partner didn't write me back. I only got one letter, and that was the first one. But I think that if I had another partner, who would have written back, it could have been fun. I heard of a lot of friends in my class that they got a lot of letters. They also found the project to be a lot of fun.

I was hoping to learn something about Finland, but now I didn't. But with the letters I wrote to him, I think I improved my English a bit.

I hope that the project was more fun for the others of my class, because for me it really wasn't. Allthough I thought in the beginning that it could be fun.