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European Cultural Diversity: Finland-Flanders

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F@F-project (1999) between Sipoon Lukio (Finland) and Tienen College (Belgium)

Minna Pekkarinen

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Karin Logist

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I think that Karin is very nice girl. She lives with her boyfriend and I live too. That was the one reason, which makes me happy to write her.

I got such a impression that she likes party, because she told me quite much about them and if she someday come to Finland I know that we have very fun.

Well, that's all! Happy holiday to everyone and especially to you, Karin. I hope that we can still write each other and maybe meet someday.


Minna is a very sweet girl. She has brown eyes and brown hair. I think that she's very pretty. She lives with her boyfriend and they both look after a little dog. She's a   hardworking girl, because she also has to make dinner , do the dishes and clean the house.'I hope her friend gives her a helping hand.' I think that her friend is a very nice man, because she doesn't often go out in the weekends; she enjoys being with him.

She dreams of a lawyer-career, but she also likes to be a teacher.At Chistmas-time there is a 'Porridge Party'. Teachers and students celebrate together. She doesn't sleep much during the week, because she has to wake up at 5.30 AM.I admire her for that. School starts at 8.10AM and it's out at 15.30. Almost two hours later she comes home and starts making her homework.

Her favorite band is Eppu Normaali.   ( I don't know that band) She used to went to go and see this band with her friends. But now she lives somewhere else and she doesn't have any friends out there. Her best friend, Anni, lives 20 kilometres away. That's very sad! I hope her boyfriend keeps her warm at night!