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European Cultural Diversity: Finland & Flanders

finflag.jpg (1812 bytes)      Impressions       vlaleeuw.jpg (4836 bytes)

F@F-project (2000) between Sipoon Lukio (Finland) and Tienen College (Belgium)

Laura Raittola

Ellen Denruyter

It is hard to get know a person in such a small time, but I'll tell you what I learned to know about Ellen.

She told me about her family and character. She is very friendly and reliable but sometimes she can be difficult too. She is very sporty too and she've been practising athletics for nine years. Unfortunatelly she had to stop practising after she injured her knees but she have been able to train young athletics.

At her spare time she goes out with her friends and even though she has a boyfriend she tries not to neglect her friends. I think that's one thing that shows she's really caring about her friends.

Like me she's fond of music: she likes all sorts of music. She enjoys rock but she also listens to techno too. She doesn't really watch TV actually only when she's bored. And she is - like you can say - an atheist. So she doesn't believe in God.

This project has been really nice. It has been a pleasure to get to know Ellen and it has also been nice to write e-mails in English which I really don't do everyday.   

My first impression of Laura is that she's a very friendly person. Through her I learned something about life in Finland, what was very interesting especially the letter about her schoollife.

I was a little bit suprised by her photo, she looks different then I pictured her. She looks so young.

Partially thanks to her this email project was a success. I liked it very much.